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450 results found. Viewing page 8 of 23

Article Title Publication Date
State of Cannabis Packaging and Labeling and NY Cannabis Development New York Law Journal March 31, 2021
Unmasking the Implications of the New Stimulus Package for Employers Employment Notes March 30, 2021
New York Employees Entitled to COVID-19 Vaccination Leave Employment Notes March 17, 2021
Proposed Tax on Mezzanine Financing Extends its Reach to Preferred Equity Note From The Real Estate Group March 16, 2021
Construction Management Agreements: CM Liability New York Law Journal March 10, 2021
9 things you must know about non-compete clauses | The Drum Other Publications March 5, 2021
Video: What can employers expect in 2021? HRMinute March 3, 2021
Reflections on a Zoom Trial New York Law Journal February 9, 2021
Can Lawyers Send Law Clerks And Unadmitted Law School Graduates To Court? Attorney Professionalism Forum January/February 2021
Employment and HR Law in 2021: What To Expect New York Law Journal January 28, 2021
Video: Can employers require their employees to get the COVID-19 vaccination? HRMinute January 26, 2021
A Double Attorney Fees Clause Is Held Not a Penalty, But What’s Next? New York Law Journal January 20, 2021
Proposed SEC Exemption Offers Much‑Needed Clarity on Use of Finders to Raise Investment Capital Other Publications January 14, 2021
Corporate Transparency Act Imposes New Compliance Obligations on Real Estate Investors Note From The Real Estate Group January 12, 2021
Round Two: What is New With PPP E-Alert December 29, 2020
The Rules Of The Road When Law Firms Use Online Platforms And Automatic Systems That Offer Services To The Public Attorney Professionalism Forum December 2020
Employee Vaccination Requirements: Give It a Shot New York Law Journal December 14, 2020
Transfer Taxes Lurk in New York Foreclosure and Deed-in-Lieu Transactions: Part 2 of 2 Note From The Real Estate Group November 23, 2020
Transfer Taxes Lurk in New York Foreclosure and Deed-in-Lieu Transactions: Part 1 of 2 Note From The Real Estate Group November 13, 2020
Construction Management Agreements: Defects and Failures New York Law Journal November 10, 2020

( slide table left to right )

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