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450 results found. Viewing page 7 of 23

Article Title Publication Date
Pro Bono Representation In Criminal Matters: The Ethical Considerations Attorney Professionalism Forum July/August 2021
Video: What is NY's "HERO Act"? HRMinute July 15, 2021
Video: Is your business and website ADA compliant? HRMinute July 14, 2021
New York "HERO Act" Requires Employers to Create Airborne Infectious Disease Prevention Plans Employment Notes July 13, 2021
New York Eases Tax Burden of Partners of Partnerships and Shareholders of S Corps Other Publications July 12, 2021
SEC increases monetary thresholds for “qualified clients” BulletPoint July 7, 2021
Alternatives Watch releases Finding the ‘S’ in ESG report Other Publications June 29, 2021
Resolving Cannabis Disputes in New York New York Law Journal June 24, 2021
Video: What should an employer do when a sexual harassment or discrimination complaint is received? HRMinute June 22, 2021
Claims Against Architects And Engineers New York Law Journal June 16, 2021
NYSBA Commercial and Federal Litigation Section | When Silver is Gold: The 25th Anniversary (Fifth Edition) of Commercial Litigation in New York State Courts Other Publications June 4, 2021
Yes, employers can force you to get the Covid-19 vaccine, but here’s what they need to consider | The Drum Other Publications June 1, 2021
What Should a Lawyer Do When Targeted On Social Media: Sue, Respond In Kind, Or Simply Keep Quiet? Attorney Professionalism Forum May/June 2021
Internal Investigations: Workplace Culture Temperature Check New York Law Journal May 25, 2021
New York Commercial Real Estate Foreclosures Back in Action? Not So Fast! Business Litigation Bulletin April 27, 2021
Video: New York Employees Entitled to COVID-19 Vaccination Leave HRMinute April 19, 2021
Goodbye WFH? Why employers can legally force you back into the office Other Publications April 19, 2021
Reducing Potential Liability in Emergency Response Other Publications April 2021
ESG and Legislative Impacts On NYC Buildings New York Law Journal April 9, 2021
Representing Business Entities And Their Principals: Who Is Your Client? Attorney Professionalism Forum March/April 2021

( slide table left to right )

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