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450 results found. Viewing page 22 of 23

Article Title Publication Date
Attorneys and Private Investigators: Don’t Go Out Of Bounds Attorney Professionalism Forum October 2016
New York Employers Brace for New Restrictions on Electronic Wage Payment Methods Employment Notes October 2016
Pay Equity Legislation: Compensation Based on Applicants’ Previous Salary a Thing of the Past Employment Notes October 2016
Dealing With Attorney Pinocchio: Adversaries Who Just Can’t Tell The Truth! Attorney Professionalism Forum September 2016
New York Slow to Embrace The ‘Design-Build’ System New York Law Journal August 10, 2016
IRS Proposed Changes to IRC 2704 Affect Business Succession and Estate Planning Valuation Discounts Other Publications August 2016
Mentoring Young Lawyers: Dealing with Mistakes, Judges, Adversaries and Clients Attorney Professionalism Forum July/August 2016
Finalizing a Divorce? Wait, Just One More Thing … Other Publications July 2016
Recommended Owner Modifications to Standard AIA Documents New York Law Journal June 15, 2016
Delaware Court Reiterates Need for Unambiguous Non-Reliance Provisions in M&A Agreements Other Publications June 2016
Phantom Equity Plans: A Flexible Alternative to Retain and Motivate Key Employees Employment Notes June 2016
Commercial Division Professionalism and Practice Attorney Professionalism Forum June 2016
Hidden Impact of a Major Accounting Change on the Commercial Real Estate Market Note From The Real Estate Group May 2016
Client Confidences and Insider Information Attorney Professionalism Forum May 2016
Second Circuit Extends Safe Harbor Protection to Creditors’ State Law Claims E-Alert May 2016
How UCITS Funds Can Expand Their Investor Base into the US GlobalNote May 2016
Dramatic Changes to Partnership Audit Rules Will Impact Private Investment Funds and other Partnerships GlobalNote May 2016
U.S. Department of Labor Publishes Final FLSA Overtime Rule Affecting the “Exempt” Status Employment Notes May 2016
Litigation Incivility: It’s Not Just Unprofessional, It’s Not Smart Attorney Professionalism Forum March/April 2016
Importance of Construction Contract Coordination New York Law Journal March 9, 2016

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