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450 results found. Viewing page 21 of 23

Article Title Publication Date
Recurring Issues with Contract Indemnities New York Law Journal March 8, 2017
Complying with the 2017 New York State Minimum Wage and Exempt Salary Thresholds Employment Notes March 2017
An Eye on Commercial Real Estate in 2017 Note From The Real Estate Group February 2017
Law Firm Document Retention Policies Attorney Professionalism Forum February 2017
New York State Direct Deposit and Paycard Regulations Invalidated Employment Notes February 2017
New USCIS Form I-9 Now Effective Employment Notes February 2017
The Law of Insider Trading: A Primer For Investment Managers Other Publications January 2017
Recent Cyber Attack On Law Firms Serves As A Wake-Up Call For Professional Services Firms Cyber & Privacy Alerts January 2017
Unraveling the Files of a Deceased Solo Practitioner Attorney Professionalism Forum January 2017
What’s New in the Revised New York State Proposed Cybersecurity Regulation? Cyber & Privacy Alerts January 2017
Actual-Intent Fraudulent Transfers and the Crime/Fraud Exception Other Publications December 2016
Supreme Court Clarifies “Personal Benefit”: Requirement for Insider Trading Liability BulletPoint December 2016
New Guidance for Human Resource Professionals to Avoid Antitrust Violations Other Publications December 2016
Proposed NYS DFS Cybersecurity Regulations to Significantly Impact FS Companies Cyber & Privacy Alerts December 2016
Trump and the Estate Tax: What We Know Other Publications December 2016
Companies Must Account for New Law Protecting Confidential Information Employment Notes December 2016
New Overtime Rule Blocked Employment Notes December 2016
When is it time for diversity and inclusion training? Attorney Professionalism Forum November/December 2016
Ensuring Additional Insured Status in Construction Agreements New York Law Journal November 9, 2016
Cybersecurity and Staffing: Guarding Clients' and Job Candidates’ Information Employment Notes November 2016

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