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63 results found. Viewing page 2 of 4

Article Title Publication Date
Corporate Transparency Act Imposes New Compliance Obligations on Real Estate Investors Note From The Real Estate Group January 12, 2021
Transfer Taxes Lurk in New York Foreclosure and Deed-in-Lieu Transactions: Part 2 of 2 Note From The Real Estate Group November 23, 2020
Transfer Taxes Lurk in New York Foreclosure and Deed-in-Lieu Transactions: Part 1 of 2 Note From The Real Estate Group November 13, 2020
Construction Management Agreements: Defects and Failures New York Law Journal November 10, 2020
NYC Greenhouse Gas Emissions Limits Start in 2024: Landlords and Tenants Prepare for the Impact Note From The Real Estate Group August 24, 2020
How brick-and-mortar businesses survive the pandemic | Crain's New York | subscription required Other Publications July 14, 2020
Owner's Checklist for Resuming Construction New York Law Journal June 17, 2020
Lease Defaults and Restructuring: The Impact of a Tenant’s Bankruptcy (Part 1 of 3) E-Alert May 26, 2020
Update to Summary of Legislative Relief for Tenants and Mortgage Borrowers in New York State in Response to COVID-19 Note From The Real Estate Group May 15, 2020
Find the silver lining – It’s out there Other Publications April 6, 2020
Summary of Legislative Relief for Tenants and Mortgage Borrowers in New York State in Response to COVID-19 Note From The Real Estate Group April 2, 2020
COVID-19 Rent Relief: The Anticipated "Commercial Lease Workout" Note From The Real Estate Group March 26, 2020
Real Estate Contracts: Does COVID-19 Excuse Timely Performance? Note From The Real Estate Group March 19, 2020
Construction Management Agreements: Pricing New York Law Journal March 11, 2020
Proposed NYS Legislation May Increase the Cost of Mezzanine Financing Note From The Real Estate Group March 2020
Owners Should Take Caution in Waiving Consequential Damages New York Law Journal November 13, 2019
NY Real Estate Investors Venturing Outside of New York Due to New Rent Regulation Face Unfamiliar Practices Note From The Real Estate Group October 2019
Construction Management Agreements: The Cost Plus Hybrid New York Law Journal September 11, 2019
Revisiting ‘No Damage For Delay’ Clauses New York Law Journal June 2019
NY Court of Appeals Upholds Commercial Tenant's Yellowstone Injunction Waiver Other Publications May 2019

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