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450 results found. Viewing page 19 of 23

Article Title Publication Date
NY Appellate Court Shifts Balance of Power in Commercial Real Estate Leases: Upholds Yellowstone Injunction Waiver Other Publications February 2018
SEC Announces 2018 Examination Priorities BulletPoint February 2018
Attorney Websites, Branding and Using Social Media Attorney Professionalism Forum January 2018
Disparaging or offensive trade mark registrations in the United States—are there any limits after the US Supreme Court’s decision in Matal v Tam? Other Publications December 2017
So You Want to Manage a Cryptocurrency Fund? U.S. Regulatory Rules to Consider First BulletPoint December 2017
Proposed Legislation May Boost Construction Financing Note From The Real Estate Group December 2017
Estate Planning Under Comprehensive Tax Reform Other Publications December 2017
Facing the Wave of Recent Sexual Harassment Complaints – Proactive Steps for Employers to Mitigate Risk Employment Notes December 2017
Confidentiality Issues When Clients Don’t Tell The Truth Attorney Professionalism Forum November/December 2017
The Role of Owner’s Representative New York Law Journal November 8, 2017
General Data Protection Regulation Affects Investment Advisors with EU Clientele BulletPoint November 2017
“Who Is Who?” and “Who Owns Whom?”- Are You Ready for LEIs? GlobalNote November 2017
City Expands Sick Time Act to Cover “Safe Time” Employment Notes November 2017
Attorney-Client Confidentiality vs. the Customs Agent: Who Wins? Attorney Professionalism Forum October 2017
Data Security Issues for Staffing Firms After the Equifax Breach Employment Notes October 2017
Effective Attorney Communication Attorney Professionalism Forum September 2017
Congressional Republicans Propose Sweeping Tax Reform Other Publications September 2017
SEC Amendments to Form ADV Effective on October 1, 2017 BulletPoint September 2017
Hidden Costs: New York City’s Submetering and Lighting E-Alert September 2017
Can a Licensing Agent Also Enforce the Copyright in Licensed Works? E-Alert September 2017

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